Weekly Dispatch: Slow Grooves

Celebrating a small win.

Words Written: 1,689
Writing Streak: 10 days

Persistence seems to be paying off as I've written my way into a steady groove of 200 words a day. While it's more a trickle than a torrent, it still feels like a win after months of barely being able to crack 50 words a day on average.

Chapter 6 of "Irredeemable" is going well and I'm having fun making Deimos!Kassandra interact with one of the most iconic NPCs from AC: Odyssey.

I'm itching to get back to writing this morning so I think I'll keep this week's update brief. I'm also planning to skip next week's update as I'll be busy over the weekend. I've got a few topics simmering for future updates, but if there's something in particular you're curious about—with a WIP, with writing in general—feel free to ask.

See you in two weeks!

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